Application of high-carbon ferromanganese

2021-09-14 17:04:55

Most people may don’t know that high-carbon ferromanganese contains a small amount of trace elements in addition to its main components: manganese and iron. Compared with other ferromanganese, high-carbon ferromanganese contains more carbon.

High-carbon ferromanganese is mainly produced in blast furnaces and widely used in steelmaking. Besides, high-carbon ferromanganese can also be used as deoxidizer, desulfurizer, and alloying agent during steelmaking.

High-carbon ferromanganese produced in electric furnaces is mainly used for casting as deoxidizer, desulfurizer and alloying additive. High-carbon ferromanganese is mainly added during casting. Most steel plants in China use silicomanganese, and fewer use high-manganese.

Due to the different carbon content in high-carbon ferromanganese, pig iron and wrought iron show different performance and uses: brittle pig iron is generally cast, so it is also called cast iron, such as iron pans and stoves. It is often used to manufacture the beds of machine tools and the cylinders of steam engines and internal combustion engines. It features low cost and high wear resistance, but has no ductility and malleability, so it cannot be forged.